Dance Showcase 2025 - Costume Measurements and Deposits
Please fill out the performers measurement form. We need 1 form per performer.
To reduce costs this year we will be hiring one costume for the students dance and buying another. Hiring costumes worked well for our last digital showcase however we know there were quite a few disappointed children who missed having a costume to take home afterwards, so feel that this is a good compromise.
To spread out the cost of the costumes we are operating a costume deposit system; We will require a non- refundable £25 deposit per child, per dance style (i.e if your child attends ballet and tap they will be in 2 routines which will require a costume each. This will therefore require 2 deposits £25+£25= £50). As stated, this is non-refundable once the costume has been ordered.
The deposits will then be deducted from the final costume balance. If your child’s costume is cheaper than £25 then we will refund you the difference. We estimate that each bought costume will cost approximately between £30-£60, and hire should be between £20-£25.
Costumes are a huge part of the showcase, and we do our upmost best to make these affordable as well as work well on stage. The students also get to keep one of their costumes after the showcase. We understand that showcases can be an expensive time and it is for this reason that we only do our dance shows biennially unlike other dance schools who do several a year. We therefore hope that you will commit to purchasing the costumes in good faith and we won’t have to chase parents for outstanding balances.
Please complete the online Costume Form and return your costume deposits in a clearly named envelope by 21st March 2025 to your receptionist so that we can order the costumes over the Easter break.